Recent content by justusaloysius

  1. justusaloysius


    that's such a shame, quite liked those maps thanks for the update
  2. justusaloysius


    hey, what happened to the surf luna maps on the beginner surf? :)
  3. justusaloysius

    What was the most fun thing you did this summer :3

    summer for us is typically harvesting season, but we'll occasionally take a week for a family break -- this year, we went down to gatlinburg TN and stayed in a large 3 story cabin on the peak of a mountain which overlooked rolling mountains. we hit the primary attractions of the time which was...
  4. justusaloysius

    Request SM adjustments for in-game chat blocking

    righto, it's no big issue or suggestion ! thanks for the responses; if anything, it's a little heads up about the plugin -- this adjustment might not be too worth the trouble as it might delve deeper rather than some variables to change quickly
  5. justusaloysius

    Request SM adjustments for in-game chat blocking

    interesting question - i tested this with other users of the community, non-staff or VIP on both sides, although unaware if such privileges would have an impact on a plugin unless it's coded into the self-mute plugin specifically to limit users with default flags of muting voice communications...
  6. justusaloysius

    Request SM adjustments for in-game chat blocking

    a discussion presented itself which included myself and a few other players in the community about the self-muting feature of the server -- indicating that it didn't mute out the in-game text, we tested that theory whilst still maintaining the same results as previously stated by myself in this...
  7. justusaloysius

    Request SM adjustments for in-game chat blocking

    when muting in-game players that we're not wanting to associate with by using the !sm command, this doesn't issue an ignoremsg on the user, and we're able to still see the user talk in-game there's ways around this by doing "ignoremsg" in console, but that's a global mute for all players --...
  8. justusaloysius


    hello -- i'm gabriel, a member of the Sneak's surfing community myself: our family is Mennonite based out of Indiana and Ohio equally, and we've got a few family owned businesses throughout these areas including a small independent Christian bookstore, and an active hay farm throughout haying...
  9. justusaloysius

    Denied Moderator Application - Pickle Rick

    throughout my initial impressions with Pickle Rick, it was quite apparent that the individual was decently mature, and helpful towards the other members of the community. i'm decently active across both servers under my name Gabriel (advanced), and see Pickle Rick occasionally on the servers --...
  10. justusaloysius

    hiding weapons

    you're a blessing, thanks, i'm use to the sm_hideweapons, good to know!
  11. justusaloysius

    hiding weapons

    hey there, is there an available option in the surf servers to sm_hideweapons? it's cool that we can drop weapons, including the knife, but the issue is that when we're going about on a decent run, we'll pick up other peoples dropped pistols and it'll show up on the screen -- just wondering if...

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